dE³ Full Circle - The Montreal Chronicles Music: The making of a soundtrack

From a consortium of producers, artists and creative minds, we' re telling... A Story. 

Every Great visual story needs a soundtrack, the vehicle which circles and encompasses the mind, mood and mystic of the adventure and harmonizes it into a single entity [The complete body of work].  A great recipe depends on the ingredients. Check some of them out here.

The Story is embedded in science fiction, mythology, folklore and truth. Full Circle, Expedition to the Lost Place (The Montreal Chronicles) will be delivered through journals, episodes, sound tracks and product placement. Join us, shop with us and we’ll keep you educated…


Infinity I Am SoundCloud Clip 

A. Stephan Moss aka Blackstone; Spiritual Elemental Clip 1 "Infinity I AM" from Making of a Soundtrack: FULL CIRCLE - Expedition to the Lost Place [The Montreal Chronicles] circa 20 1 100 AD:

Orphan Official

Mariame Hasni... Bloom Album, Vulnerable

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